Monday, September 28, 2009
Catatan Syawal
Salam Syawal. Lama rasanya tidak menulis. Apa pun belum terlambat kiranya untuk saya mengucapkan Eid Mubarak, mohon maaf apa yang silap dan tersilap. Berbesar hati juga saya menjemput para pembaca sekalian datang berkunjung ke rumah saya.
Pagi Syawal saya sambut bersama keluarga di kampung. Manis di Aidilfitri, apabila kami sekeluarga dapat mengedarkan Kad Hari Raya dari Hizbut Tahrir selepas selesai solat sunat Eid. Isteri, bonda dan adik perempuan mengedarkan kepada muslimah manakala pakcik, adik dan saya sendiri mengedarkan kepada kaum Muslimin. Apatah lagi disitu keluarga saya berasal maka ramailah jamaah Masjid yang mengenali kami. Malah ramai yang datang kepada kami untuk menerima kad tersebut. Ramai juga muka yang jarang dilihat yang kemungkinan balik berhari raya ke kampung.
Selepas bertemu sanak saudara, saya mula bertolak ke kampung isteri lebih kurang 11.30 pagi. Perjalanan kali ini, 10 jam, agak panjang kerana masih banyak kenderaan. kebiasaannya 8 jam setengah boleh sampai ke Kota Bahru. Di hari Raya kedua, kami sempat menziarahi sanak saudara di sana. Juadah hari raya yang cukup saya gemar di Kelantan adalah tapai pulut dalam daun getah. Saya memang penggemar makanan pulut. Berhari di Kelantan bagaimana? Orang disini taklah beraya sakan dari pagi sampai tengah malam seperti di Johor. Suasananya lebih sederhana.
Memandangkan kebanyakan anak-anak jauh di perantauan, maka sempena cuti Hari Raya ini banyaklah mereka yang mengambil kesempatan mengadakan pelbagai jenis kenduri. Saya sempat pergi ke Majlis Perkahwinan (orang sini sebut 'bekwoh') seorang saudara di Kok Lanas pada hari raya kedua tersebut. Keesokan harinya, kenduri Aqeqah pula di rumah mak merua saya sendiri. Jangan terkejut, saya jadi tukang masak, hehehe.. Tapi saya cuma masak satu lauk je, ayam masak kicap berempah atas permintaan ibu mertua saya. Masakan tersebut boleh saya katakan tiada di Kelantan, tetapi ibu mertua saya suka sangat sejak saya hidangkan semasa beliau datang ke rumah saya semasa awal perkahwinan dulu.
Apabila berada di Kelantan ni, susah sikit nak faham percakapan orang tua. Kelakar juga apabila mendengar ibu mertua saya cuba bercakap luar dengan saya. Tetapi serba sedikit saya dah boleh tangkap juga bahasa pakcik dan makcik tu. Betul berdepan dengan rumah ibu mertua saya, adalah surah(disebut balasoh). Asalnya ia dikendalikan oleh arwah ayah mertua saya, tetapi sekarang diambil alih oleh sepupu ayah, seorang pesara ustaz. Pakcik-pakcik disurau tu cukup ramah dengan saya, kebiasaanya saya akan dijemput solat dibelakang imam.
Balik ke Kota Bahru, tak lengkap rasanya jika tidak ke Pasar Wakaf Che Yeh dan bandar kota Bahru. Keduanya tak jauh dari kampung mertua.Saya sempat berbenja barang basah di pasar pagi Pasar Waqaf Che Yeh dan datang lagi malam melihat kemeriahan pasar malamnya. Jika ke Bandar kota Bahru, jangan lupa singgah ke Pasar MPKB dan pasar Siti fatimah. Bagi saya seolah satu kemestian ke Kedai Buku Jaafar Rawwas, mencari kitab-kitab. tetapi seperti biasalah, kebanyakan kitab ilimiah agak sukar diperolehi. Pembaca lebih berminat dengan penulisan yang ringan dan kitab doa-doa. Saya cuba mencari Tafsir At-Thabari, tetapi yang ada cuma Tafsir Ibnu Kathir. Akhirnya, saya ambil keputusan untuk beli Al-Umm.
Saya bertolak balik ke Johor selepas Suboh Jumaat. Kami konvoi bersama keluarga Ipar yang balik ke Pasir Gudang. Sambung Raya di sini pula, masih ramai lagi sanak saudara yang belum diziarahi. Harap-harap sambil berziarah dapat menyampaikan mesej dakwah. Semoga ziarah yang kita lakukan bukan sekadar keseronokan tetapi penguat ukhwah dan uslub dakwah yang berkesan.
Akhir kalam, saya sekeluarga memohon ribuan ampun dan maaf atas segala salah dan silap. Semoga Syawal akan datang kita sambut di bawah naungan Khilafah 'ala minhaj nubuwwah, ameen.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Satu Lagi Penyeksaan Ngeri Syabab HT di Uzbek
The systematic torture meted out by the corrupt Karimov regime against the Shabab of the Hizb ut-Tahrir in Uzbekistan has intensified greatly in recent times. We have received the following update from Central Asia.
"Indeed this oppressive ruler has instructed his cronies to imprison further Shabab and intensify their punishment and prolonging their prison sentences to a minimum of 10 years and over. Recently, 18 Shabab from Karasawa have been imprisoned, a further 10 from Tashkent and 15 from the North, all receiving sentences ranging from 10-13 years. This is on top of the many thousands of Muslims which already languish in the prisons. As a result of the torture, 3 shabab were recently martyred who include: Ghalib Malajanoth from the city of Andijan, Shadman from the city of Nahayat Asaka and Abdulraheem from the city of Karasawa.
Not withstanding the oppressive imprisonment of the Shabab, the corrupt regime has resorted to new tactics by imprisoning their relatives, some even under 15 years old! They have also imprisoned some of the wives and daughters of the Shabab, including some under the age 15! They have also imprisoned women whom their husbands are either already imprisoned or previously martyred! All this pressure is a result of the Shababs' refusal to surrender and leave their Deen!
Oh Brothers and Sisters! Please make dua for us against this corrupt ruler and his oppressive regime by asking Allah سبحانه وتعالى to strike him down and humiliate him in this dunyah before the Hereafter. Pray to Allah سبحانه وتعالى to relieve the pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters and to retaliate against the oppressors and humiliate them so that everything between the heavens and earth curse them - Oh Allah the All-Mighty.
Please make dua for us during these last 10 blessed days of Ramadan; and Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Menjelang Hari Raya. Bagi sesetengah kita yang bekerja, satu budaya (baca: gejala) yang biasa diamalkan adalah pemberian hamper dan voucher. Gejala ini berlaku di sektor swasta dan lebih parah lagi di sektor awam. Inilah masa yang sesuai untuk pihak yang berkepentingan mengambil kesempatan memberi rasuah atau lebih biasa disebut hadiah kepada penjawatan jawatan yang mereka ada kepentingan. Memandangkan ini adalah hari pertama minggu terakhir sebelum berhari Raya, maka rasuah dalam bentuk hadiah ini sedang rancak diagihkan. Sampaikan bagi ramai pihak, ia seolah amalan yang halal dan tanpa rasa bersalah malah bangga menerimanya. Saya sendiri tidak terkecuali dari menerima bentuk tawaran begini. Baru sebentar tadi, seorang supplier engineering equipment datang dah memberikan saya envelop berisi voucher. Saya tolak dengan baik.
Oleh itu, saya rasa terpanggil untuk membicarakan hukum masalah ini memandang ia suatu yang lumrah dalam kehidupan hari ini. Adalah sangat penting untuk kita memahami pandangan hukum Islam bagi permasalahan ini supaya kita mempunyai pemikiran yang jelas dan tidak terikut hawa nafsu dalam menghadapi umpan duniawi sebegini.
Tidak ada perbezaan di kalangan ulama mengenai haramnya rasuah. Di dalam ayat Al-Quran memang tidak disebutkan secara khusus istilah rasuah. Namun Imam al-Hasan dan Said bin Zubair menafsirkan ungkapan al-Quran yaitu `akkaluna li al-suhti` sebagai rasuah.
سَمَّاعُونَ لِلْكَذِبِ أَكَّالُونَ لِلسُّحْتِ فَإِنْ جَاءُوكَ فَاحْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ أَوْ أَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ
Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang suka mendengar berita bohong, banyak memakan yang haram. Jika mereka (orang Yahudi) datang kepadamu (untuk meminta putusan), maka putuskanlah (perkara itu) di antara mereka, atau beRpalinglah dari mereka (QS al-Maidah [5]: 42).
Kalimat ` akkaluna li al-suhti ` secara umum memang sering diterjemahkan sebagai memakan harta yang haram. Namun konteksnya menurut kedua ulama tadi adalah memakan harta hasil rasuah. Jadi rasuah identik dengan memakan sesuatu yang diharamkan oleh Allah Swt dalam firman-Nya:
وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُمْ بَيْنَكُمْ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتُدْلُوا بِهَا إِلَى الْحُكَّامِ لِتَأْكُلُوا فَرِيقًا مِنْ أَمْوَالِ النَّاسِ بِالْإِثْمِ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
Dan Janganlah sebahagian kamu memakan harta sebahagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang bathil dan (janganlah) kamu membawa (urusan) harta itu kepada hakim, supaya kamu dapat memakan sebahagian daripada harta benda orang lain itu dengan (jalan berbuat) dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui (QS al-Baqarah [2]: 188).
Selain itu ada banyak sekali dalil dari al-Sunnah yang mengharamkan rasuah dengan ungkapan yang sharih. Dari Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah saw bersabda:
لَعَنَ اللَّهُ الرَّاشِيَ وَالْمُرْتَشِيَ فِي الْحُكْمِ
Allah melaknat perasuah dan penerima rasuah dalam hukum (pemerintahan) (HR Ahmad, Abu Dawud dan al-Tirmidzi)
Dari Abdullah bin Amru, Rasulullah saw juga bersabda:
لَعْنَةُ اللَّهِ عَلَى الرَّاشِي وَالْمُرْتَشِي
Laknat Allah bagi penyuap dan penerima rasuah (HR Khamsah kecuali al-Nasa`i dan di shahihkan oleh al-Tirmidzi).
Dari Tsauban ra:
لَعَنَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الرَّاشِيَ وَالْمُرْتَشِيَ وَالرَّائِشَ يَعْنِي الَّذِي يَمْشِي بَيْنَهُمَ
Rasulullah saw melaknat perasuah, penerima rasuah, dan perantaranya (HR Ahmad).
Dalam sebuah hadith Rasulullah saw bersabda:
Hadiah bagi pegawai negara adalah kemaksiatan, rasuah adalah kekufuran.
Adalah perlu di bezakan di sini antara hadiah dengan rasuah, kerana hukum hadiah itu adalah sunat. Dan jangan sekali-kali kita menerima rasuah dengan alasan ia hadiah. Terutama dalam hari-hari perayaan, seringkali rasuah diberi berselindung nama hadiah dalam bentuk hamper dan sebagainya.
Bagi kakitangan negara, menerima hadiah mahupun rasuah adalah jelas haram. Ini adalah berdasarkan hadith Rasulullah saw.
Manakali bagi mereka yang bekerja di sektor swasta, sekiranya ada pihak yang memberikan hadiah, hukum hadiah tersebut sebenarnya bukanlah milik kita tetapi adalah milik majikan tempat kita bekerja. Sekiranya, majikan tersebut memberikannya kepada kita maka barulah hadiah tersebut menjadi milik kita. Jika tidak, kita memakannya sebagai suatu yang haram.
Mahabenar Allah Swt dalam firman-Nya:
قُلْ هَلْ نُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِاْلأَخْسَرِينَ أَعْمَالاً(103) الَّذِينَ ضَلَّ سَعْيُهُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَهُمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ يُحْسِنُونَ صُنْعًا
Katakanlah, “Apakah akan Kami beritahukan kepadamu tentang orang-orang yang paling merugi perbuatannya? Yaitu orang-orang yang telah sia-sia perbuatannya dalam kehidupan dunia ini, sedangkan mereka menyangka bahwa mereka berbuat sebaik-baiknya (QS al-Kahfi [18]: 103-104).
Rasulullah saw bersabda:
مَنْ جَمَعَ مَالاً مِنْ حَرَامٍ ثُمَّ تَصَدَّقَ بِهِ لَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ فِيْهِ أَجْرٌ وَكَانَ إِصْرُهُ عَلَيْهِ
Barangsiapa yang mengumpukan harta dari jalan yang haram, kemudian dia menyedekahkan harta itu, maka sama sekali dia tidak akan memperoleh pahala, bahkan dosa akan menimpanya (HR Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban, dan al-Hakim).
Thursday, September 10, 2009
China's Muslim Uyghurs Forbidden to Fast During Ramadane author
Saya memang menyirap baca laporan ni. Bacalah, rasakan apa yang sepatutnya orang beraqidah Islam sepatutnya rasa.
The authorities in Xinjiang Province have issued a notice that any Uyghur cadresor workers found not eating lunch during Ramadan could lose their jobs. It is part of the campaign of local authorities in Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uyghur ethnic group, to force the Uyghur people to give up their religious rituals during the fasting month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic calendar, which begun this year on Aug. 22. It requires not eating during the daytime.
"Free lunches, tea, and coffee-that authorities are calling ‘Care from the government' or ‘Living allowance'-are being offered in government departments and companies. But it is actually a ploy used to find out who is fasting," said Dilxat Raxit, World Uyghur Congress spokesman, speaking to The Epoch Times.
According to Dilxat, Uyghur Communist Party cadres throughout Xinjiang had been forced to sign "letters of responsibility" promising to avoid fasting and other religious activities. They are also responsible for enforcing the policy in their assigned areas, and face punishment if anyone in these areas fasts. For the first time, Dilxat said, the crackdown has extended to retired Communist Party members. Current cadres are required to visit them to prevent them from participating in the fast. If anyone violates the ban, local leaders will be held responsible and severely punished, he said.
Muslim restaurant owners are forced to sign a document to remain open and continue selling alcohol during Ramadan or have their licenses revoked, he said. Uyghurs arrested during the July riots in Urumqi are also prohibited from fasting; those who insist on fasting will be force fed food and water while enduring insults for their misbehavior, he said in the interview.
Monks in mosques are forced to preach to others that fasting is a "feudal activity" and harmful to health, said Dilxat. Otherwise, their religious certification will be cancelled.
When asked about Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Hu Jintao's recent visit to Xinjiang, Dilxat said: "Xinjiang's situation has not yet returned to normal. Rather than asking the local Han people to respect the religion and culture of Uyghur people, Hu encouraged the use of military troops to suppress and further restrict our religious freedom. The communist regime often talks about ‘maintaining stability,' but what they do is always different from what they say. They are actually the ones who are destroying stability."
An Epoch Times reporter contacted the CCP's State Ethnic Affairs Commission to see whether the restrictions claimed by Dilxat were official, or what the official stance on Ramadan was. The media contact wouldn't speak on the subject, instead giving two numbers in Xinjiang that he said the reporter would be able to call to find out more. Both numbers were continually busy, and when the reporter called the State Ethnic Affairs Commission back, the man hung up.
The directives are communicated on official Web sites in the region, however.
Additional reporting by Matthew Robertson
Sumber : The Epoch Times
The authorities in Xinjiang Province have issued a notice that any Uyghur cadresor workers found not eating lunch during Ramadan could lose their jobs. It is part of the campaign of local authorities in Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uyghur ethnic group, to force the Uyghur people to give up their religious rituals during the fasting month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic calendar, which begun this year on Aug. 22. It requires not eating during the daytime.
"Free lunches, tea, and coffee-that authorities are calling ‘Care from the government' or ‘Living allowance'-are being offered in government departments and companies. But it is actually a ploy used to find out who is fasting," said Dilxat Raxit, World Uyghur Congress spokesman, speaking to The Epoch Times.
According to Dilxat, Uyghur Communist Party cadres throughout Xinjiang had been forced to sign "letters of responsibility" promising to avoid fasting and other religious activities. They are also responsible for enforcing the policy in their assigned areas, and face punishment if anyone in these areas fasts. For the first time, Dilxat said, the crackdown has extended to retired Communist Party members. Current cadres are required to visit them to prevent them from participating in the fast. If anyone violates the ban, local leaders will be held responsible and severely punished, he said.
Muslim restaurant owners are forced to sign a document to remain open and continue selling alcohol during Ramadan or have their licenses revoked, he said. Uyghurs arrested during the July riots in Urumqi are also prohibited from fasting; those who insist on fasting will be force fed food and water while enduring insults for their misbehavior, he said in the interview.
Monks in mosques are forced to preach to others that fasting is a "feudal activity" and harmful to health, said Dilxat. Otherwise, their religious certification will be cancelled.
When asked about Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Hu Jintao's recent visit to Xinjiang, Dilxat said: "Xinjiang's situation has not yet returned to normal. Rather than asking the local Han people to respect the religion and culture of Uyghur people, Hu encouraged the use of military troops to suppress and further restrict our religious freedom. The communist regime often talks about ‘maintaining stability,' but what they do is always different from what they say. They are actually the ones who are destroying stability."
An Epoch Times reporter contacted the CCP's State Ethnic Affairs Commission to see whether the restrictions claimed by Dilxat were official, or what the official stance on Ramadan was. The media contact wouldn't speak on the subject, instead giving two numbers in Xinjiang that he said the reporter would be able to call to find out more. Both numbers were continually busy, and when the reporter called the State Ethnic Affairs Commission back, the man hung up.
The directives are communicated on official Web sites in the region, however.
Additional reporting by Matthew Robertson
Sumber : The Epoch Times
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
NAIROBI, Kenya — A Sudanese woman who wore pants in public was fined the equivalent of $200 but spared a whipping on Monday when a court found her guilty of violating Sudan’s decency laws.
The Sudanese journalist Lubna Hussein outside the court in Khartoum after a final hearing in her case on Monday.
The woman, Lubna Hussein, an outspoken journalist who had recently worked for the United Nations, faced up to 40 lashes in the case, which has generated considerable interest both inside and outside Sudan.
Mrs. Hussein vowed to appeal the sentence and even walked into the court in Khartoum, Sudan’s capital, wearing the same pair of loose-fitting green slacks that she had been arrested in.
Manal Awad Khogali, one of her lawyers, said the judge hearing the case had called only police witnesses to testify and refused to allow Mrs. Hussein — who had pledged to use her trial to bring attention to women’s rights in Sudan — to defend herself.
“He didn’t give us a chance,” Mrs. Manal said.
After the trial was over, Mrs. Hussein, a 34-year-old widow, seemed defiant as ever. “I will not pay a penny,” she told The Associated Press.
The judge had threatened to jail her for one month if she did not pay the fine. But according to The A.P., Mrs. Hussein said flatly: “I would spend a month in jail. It is a chance to explore the conditions in jail.”
On Monday night, after refusing her lawyers’ advice to pay, Mrs. Hussein was whisked off to jail, though her lawyers said that in the coming days a committee formed for her defense might pay the fine and free her.
Sudan is partly governed by Islamic law, which calls for women to dress modestly. But the law is vague. According to Article 152 of Sudan’s penal code, anyone “who commits an indecent act which violates public morality or wears indecent clothing” can be fined and lashed up to 40 times.
It was the potential lashing, customarily carried out with a plastic whip that can leave permanent scars, that seemed to raise so many eyebrows. On Monday, diplomats from the British, French, Canadian, Swedish and Dutch Embassies showed up at the Khartoum courthouse, along with a throng of female protesters, many wearing pants. Witnesses said several bearded counterprotesters in traditional Islamic dress also arrived and yelled, “God is great.”
Riot police officers broke up the demonstration and took away more than 40 women. Sudanese officials said they were released shortly afterward. Witnesses said the police beat up at least one woman.
Mrs. Hussein is a career journalist who recently worked as a public information assistant for the United Nations in Sudan. She quit, she said, because she did not want to get the United Nations embroiled in her case.
But just as it did with the closely watched case of a British schoolteacher who faced whippings and a prison sentence in 2007 for allowing her 7-year-old students to name a class teddy bear Muhammad, the Sudanese government sought a compromise.
Sudan’s leaders are eager to normalize relations with the United States and other Western countries and appeared to come up with a solution in which Mrs. Hussein was punished but not so severely as to attract more international outrage.
She was arrested in July, along with 12 other women, who were caught at a cafe wearing trousers.
“I am Muslim; I understand Muslim law,” Mrs. Hussein said in an interview on Friday. “But I ask: What passage in the Koran says women can’t wear pants? This is not nice.”
Jeffrey Gettleman reported from Nairobi, and Waleed Arafat from Khartoum, Sudan.
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