Lebih segar bagaimana 'TENTERA PENGAMAN PBB' mengumpulkan orang-orang Islam dan menyerahkannya kepada tentera Serbia untuk kemudian mudah dibom dengan kereta kebal. Boleh dapatkan vcd bertajuk How Luch longer?(berapa lama lagi?) yang dikeluarkan oleh Hizbut Tahrir, di youtube pun ada.
Sekarang PBB nak hukum pula Radovan Karadzic, kononya berjaya ditemui setelah 13 tahun mencari, logik ke? PBB dan banyak khianati ummat islam, membunuh ummat Islam tetapi mengapa penguasa ummat Islam terus 'menyembah' kepada PBB?
Semoga daulah khilafah kembali tertegak, melaksanakan hukum Allah, menyebarkan dakwah Islam dan menghukum para pengkhianat dan musuh-musuh Allah ini.

Bosnian Serb under arrest in war crimes
By Dan Bilefsky and Marlise Simons Published: July 22, 2008
PARIS: Radovan Karadzic, one of the world's most wanted war criminals for his part in the massacre of nearly 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995, was arrested Monday in a raid in Serbia that ended a 13-year hunt.
Serge Brammertz, the prosecutor of the United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague, hailed the arrest as an important step in bringing to justice one of the architects of Europe's worst massacre since World War II. He said Karadzic, 63, the Bosnian Serb president during the war there between 1992 and 1995, would be transferred to The Hague in "due course."
"This is a very important day for the victims who have waited for this arrest for over a decade," Brammertz said. "It is also an important day for international justice because it clearly demonstrates that nobody is beyond the reach of the law and that sooner or later all fugitives will be brought to justice."
Karadzic's exact place of arrest was not announced, but Serbian government officials said he was arrested by the Serbian secret police not far from Belgrade, the capital. Officials from President Boris Tadic's office said Karadzic had appeared before an investigative judge at Serbia's war crimes court, a prerequisite for his extradition to The Hague.
Karadzic, a nationalist hero among Serbian radicals and one of the tribunal's most-wanted criminals for more than a decade, is said to have eluded arrest so long by shaving his swoopy gray hair and disguising himself in an Serbian Orthodox priest. His reported hide-outs in caves in the mountains of eastern Bosnia and in monasteries. Before his political career, he was a medical doctor who worked as a psychiatrist in Sarajevo, Bosnia's capital.
Officials in The Hague and for the European Union have long suspected that he was, in fact, hiding in Serbia, and have pressed Belgrade to hand him over. The failure to arrest Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, the still fugitive Bosnian Serb general also indicted on war crimes, long stood as a block to greater Serbian ties to the European Union after the wars in Bosnia and later Kosovo.
"This is a historic event," said Richard Holbrooke, who brokered the agreements in Dayton, Ohio to end the war in Bosnia in 1995. "Of the three most evil men of the Balkans, Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic, I thought Karadzic was the worst. The reason was that Karadzic was a real racist believer. Karadzic really enjoyed ordering the killing of Muslims, whereas Milosevic was an opportunist."
Slobodan Milosevic, the former president of Serbia allied with Karadzic and Mladic, was arrested in 2001 and put on trial for war crimes in 2002. He died in 2006 before a verdict.
Holbrooke said that despite Karadzic's arrest, Serbia's responsibility was not over. "They have to capture Mladic," he said.
On Monday night after the arrest, armed police officers were deployed near the war crimes court in Belgrade, where about 50 nationalist supporters of Karadzic gathered, waving Serbian flags and chanting, "Save Serbia, and kill yourself Tadic." Several protesters were arrested after attacking journalists. Karadzic's brother, Luka, was also seen arriving at the courthouse.
Serbian officials said the police were also dispatched to protect the United States Embassy, which was set ablaze in February by an angry mob protesting Kosovo's declaration of independence.
The arrest, more than a decade after Karadzic went into hiding, marks the culmination of a long and protracted effort by the West to press Serbia to arrest Karadzic for the massacres in the southeastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica, in the most heinous crime committed during the Balkan wars.
It came just weeks after a new pro-Western coalition government in Serbia was formed whose overriding goal is to bring Serbia into the European Union, the world's biggest trading bloc. The European Union has made delivering indicted war criminals to The Hague a precondition for Serbia's membership.
The arrest was hailed by Western diplomats as proof of Serbia's determination to link its future to the West and put the virulent nationalism of the past behind it. The capture under the stewardship of the new government has particular resonance because the government is made up of an unlikely alliance between the Democrats of Tadic and the Socialist Party of Milosevic, which fought a war against the West in the 1990s, but has now vowed to bring Serbia back into the Western fold.
In a sign that the move would accelerate Serbia's path to the European Union, the bloc's official in charge of expansion, Olli Rehn, said Monday that Karadzic's arrest was a "milestone" that would help clear the way for the poor Balkan nation to join.
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